Rich and I had a pretty quiet Easter this year, but one thing we did do was head to Upper Hutt on Saturday to check out Craft 2.0. It's an awesome craft fair we have fairly regularly in Wellington (maybe once every quarter).Craft 2.0 is held at the New Dowse Art Gallery - which is a pretty amazing gallery. When we visited they had a cool exhibition on, I can't remeber exactly the name of the exhibition but it seemed to be based around different of media. He's a photo of Rich in front of a whole bunch of speakers.

I only bought a couple of things at Craft 2.0, both from the same vendor. First up is this cute little toadstool brooch.

I also bought this cute cross-stitch pattern. I'm not working on any cross-stitch at the moment and was thinking I needed a new pattern and thought this one was pretty cute.

We also bought some cupcakes at Craft 2.0 - I liked the little sugar flower on top.

Finally, at the fair they had an old school style photo both which was a whole lot of fun. The best part was it was free! Here's our photos.