Friday, November 23, 2007
2 hours of bellydance and finger cymbals!
I want to get to the stage where I can perform at one of the Hafla next year - because I basically got into bellydancing because I liked the performance aspect.
I've had trouble getting to two classes a week though just because I have so much else one - so I decided I will do two classes - one after the other - on Thursday night.
Last night was my first double bellydance class - and I am still exhaused the next day! Both classes were so full on!
But I did get to start to learn finger cymbals in the second class which was so much fun - even at this stage I have a pair of REALLY budget ones - but Rich has been asking what I would like for Christmas. A pair of nice brass finger cymbals are now officially on the list:)
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Back to the Future
Then once we have done shopping we have to wait around for a taxi because we don't have a car - the whole things is just painful.
But our problems may now be solved - the other day whilst surfing the net Rich happened to check out the Foodtown site and it turns out that to get groceries delivered is about the same cost as the taxi we normally get home from New World.
Humm so lets see pay $15 and NOT go to the supermarket and shop online OR pay $15 and go to the supermarket get annoyed at everyone and everything and go home grumpy. It's not too hard a choice really.
I do feel slightly weird about getting groceries delivered - in some ways it seems like something that should be reserved for the elderly or people with disabilities.
But that weirdness quickly passed, when I realised I don't have to go to the supermarket this week!!
Our groceries are going to be delivered tonight between 6pm and 8pm - excellent.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
How CUTE is this!!
Monday, November 19, 2007
I'm a Barbie Girl - In a Barbie World
Anyways - here's the current crop of Barbie Bling!
Pataka Markets
I'd heard of these markets before but I had never been - they are very very cool! Much like Craft 2.0 - lots of cool local people creating lots of interesting things.
I bought these really cool watermelon earrings.
It was a bit annoying actually as a lot of people I know or at least have seen around at other markets had stalls there - but Rich and I never heard about a shout out for stalls so we weren't able to have one:(
Oh well - there's always Knack markets and Craft 2.0 plus the day was mostly to hang out with the lovely Jo.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Jacqui's Cell Phone Cover
Inspiration for a long term project!!

How cool is this? It's like a rock and roll bedspread! Now I am the first to admit that the Black Crows and the doors aren't my thing. But with the right t-shirts I think I could make one that was pretty cool.
My vision is for a throw for our couch though rather than a bedspread - as after only two years our couch is looking a bit naff (my mum did warn me about buying burgundy coloured furniture and said it would show up every little stain and be hard to keep clean, but I wouldn't listen. Now I have a couch that shows up every little stain and is hard to keep clean!).
I'm not sure how many t-shirts I would need - but Rich has already volunteered three of his that are past their used by date (due to wear - not due to lack of being awesome) - so I already have Placebo, The Hives and Shihad for my t-shirt throw (I may also have Iggy Pop but Rich isn't sure if he can let Iggy go just yet).
I have had a look on trade me for music t-shirts but that was pretty slim pickings - they all seemed to be new t-shirts that people wanted to sell for around $25 a piece! Doesn't really work with my DIY dream!
So I think over the next few months I shall be checking out as many second hand shops as I can for band t-shirts worthy of our couch throw.
But if any of my dear friends out there have old band t-shirt of bands I may like - feel free to send them my way *hint hint*
For more information about the band bedspread above check out this blog -
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Barbie Bling!
Monday, November 12, 2007
A craft magazine that's actually cool!!
There's something about creating something with your hands which just makes life better (especially when your day job is an office job where sometimes it feels like all you create is paper).
Some people laugh when I say I like craft, but they usually change camps when I show them the sort of craft I'm into - which is the alternative/DIY school of craft opposed to the crochet toilet roll holder school (not that I'm bringing crochet down! I have a crochet "how to" book I'm taking away with me on my Christmas trip).
Anyways - thus far I've bought some cool alt craft books and also searched the Internet extensively for alternative craft ideas. But the one thing I've been lacking is a decent craft magazine!
The other week I was waiting for a friend at Midlands Park and decided I'd check out Magnetix whilst I was there - as usually I avoided the "women's interest" section (what an oxymoron - a bunch of magazines made to make women feel insecure cannot be in our interest!) and checked out the Craft section thinking maybe I will find an interesting idea or two in the "Nana craft" magazines.
However, I came across an American craft magazine called "Craftzine" - the name was ALREADY a good start! Craftzine is my new favourite thing about crafting. It's a mix of stories about other crafters and "How to" for a variety of different projects:) I am looking forward to making the Japanese Candy Box purse.
Anyways - I loved it so much - I decided I needed more, more, MORE! So I have now subscribed to the magazine and have been kind of obsessively looking at their website over this weekend (so many many cool ideas for refashioned clothes!).
Here's the link for the magazine if any other alt crafters out there are feeling like they need some inspiration!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
During the day mum would help me and my brothers make a Guy to burn (although when I was older and found out WHY we burnt a Guy I was kind of creeped out by it - but it was all good fun in the days of my innocent youth), then we'd help Dad collect wood and build up a bon fire and when it finally go dark Dad would like the fireworks and us kids would have sparklers.
The anticipation of each firework being lit was almost too much the handle - the joy when they lit up crazy colours and the surprise when it was one of those screaming ones and the disappointment when one of the fireworks was what Dad referred to as a "Fizzer" (put on a bit of a poor show or just didn't work).
But over the years the number of fireworks have diminished - when I was really young they banned double happy's. I remember this well as Dad bought up large and kept a pretty big stash in his writing desk which we gradually used up.
Next it was our friends the sky rockets - which I loved - especially when Dad would light a whole bunch at once.
I think other sorts have also been banned - sadly I haven't lit a firework in many years. Since moving in with Rich we have been confined to small units and apartments with no gardens or room for fireworks. But we are lucky enough to live in Wellington where the council does put on a beautiful fireworks display.
Public displays are all good - but they aren't the same as getting the whole family together in the back garden.
For years and years I've been against the idea of banning all fireworks. Not only is it a good chance for families to get together and have a laugh it's one of the few celebrations that hark back to my English (ok actually Cornish but close enough) roots.
Most other celebrations have been nicked from someone else but Guy Fawkes - even though it's kind of creepy in some ways - was mine! A celebration of my history! Of where I came from! It hadn't been commercialised and made tacky - it was just about the family getting together and lighting some fireworks in the back garden.
I was against the banning of Guy Fawkes because I refused to believe that as a country we were actually needed to have fireworks taken away from us - I mean - surely we're not that irresponsible?
But in the words of many a primary school teacher "One person's silliness will ruin this for everyone"!
On Friday night Rich and I were walking past the Mill Liquor Save - one of the flats at the top were having a party - nothing too unusual there...then we realised they were firing a Roman candle out of the window of the flat and down onto the street and the road. I'm not talking about silly 12 year olds here - I'm talking about people in their 20's who know that they are being MORONS!
Anyways, as we are walking along and thinking that this whole thing isn't too flash - they start aiming the fireworks on the foot path where we are walking. I'm going to give these moron's the benefit of the doubt and assume they were not trying to hit us directly and only trying to scare us. But either way - it's an incredibly stupid thing to do.
It was at that moment I realised that as a nation - we are too stupid to have fireworks and yes the government should take them away. We obviously can't be trusted. It's a pretty sad conclusion to come too after all these years of having a love affair with fireworks.
I can't believe how many men there are around with mo's and there is a good wack of guys around growing the old school handle bar mo.
This year Rich is getting into to act as well and decided to grow a mo of his own - perhaps I'll be able to blog some photos of my "Mo man" at the end of the month.
If you have no idea what I am talking about you must be blind - or not living in NZ. Either way - if you want to know more about Mo-vember check out the link and you'll find out that this explosion of facial hair is all in the name of a good cause.
"No new clothes" Manifesto
Both Kat and I want to go travelling next year (to different parts of the world for different reasons) however, Kat and I are both clothes horses (I'm sure she won't be offended by my saying she's a clothes horse) which usually means spending a fair wack of money!
Recently Kat has been teaching me to sew and I have also been getting into the idea of altering stuff I already own and cheap and choice finds from the second hand stores into new stuff - great way to save some pingers and also to reduce my "carbon footprint".
Anyways Kat and I decided a good way to increase the time we spend crafting and decrease the amount of cash we spend on clothes was to make a vow of "no new clothes for the next 6 months".
This shall be tricky, and no doubt there will be slip ups along the way - but I think we can do it!
Here's my list of rules for "No new clothes" -
1. For the course of the 6 months I may buy fabric, second hand clothes (including second hand clothes from trade me), clothes from clothes swap parties - but no new clothes!
2. The exception to the first rule is I may buy new underwear, hoisery, togs and shoes (if they are a necessity - like if my gym shoes break)
3. Teresa and Kat shall have a regular sewing night!
4. At the end of the 6 months - we will much more fabulous, more personalised wardrobes than we have ever had before!
Let the games begin - as always - creations will be posted on my blog.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
What is the tallest building in Melbourne anyways?
A day of getting back to our childhood...
After hanging at Luna Park for a while Boggy and Alaina took me on a bit of a drive around Melbourne and pointed out some of the flasher areas with Amazing houses.
October 27th - Shooping, Shopping, Shopping!
Whislt shopping, a lady in one of the shops told us about a little market on a side street so we went down and checked it out. It was an incredibly cool market, Like Kraftwerk or Craft 2.0 in Wellington. I bought a few really cute a quirky things and talked to a few crafty people which was awesome - felt like being at home:)
I had decided early on in the day that I wanted to go to the Melbourne Sky Wheel, and Alaina finally gave into my whim and said she's come with me - so Boggy dropped us off at the Sky Wheel. The Sky Wheel is of course a big Ferris Wheel. It was pretty cool and had fanastic views of the city.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Later on October 26th....
Ally had to leave straight after the beauty treatments - so it was time for more exploring of Melbourne by myself. I have to say I love the fact that A) Melbourne is in a grib pattern and B) that I had a map!I ended up visiting Chinatown first - I still can't believe that neither Auckland or Wellington have a Chinatown. The Chinatown in Melbourne is pretty darn cool - the streets look slightly different to the other streets in Melbourne as they have these awesome archways and cool oriental looking street lights and lots and lots of interesting shops - like a restuarant I found called "Post-Mao". A lot of the restaurants have women outside holding onto menu's telling you to come inside for food - I've never seen that in NZ but maybe it happens a lot in Asian countries?
The shops in Chinatown are very cool and sell the just plain tacky through to the "cutie cutie". The other thing I loved about Chinatown was that as well as cafe's they have tea houses:) I went to a Taiwanese tea house and had some blueberry tea - Wellington needs tea houses!
After Chinatown it was time to head for the Gaol - which is a huge and amazing looking building - I felt like I was walking around it forever until I found the entrance (at one stage I was wondering if I had the wrong building). The old Gaol is amazing but also creepy. It was the jail where Ned Kelly was executed, a lot of other people were also executed there - which did give me the creeps.
The Gaol also holds the death masks of people executed there and some are on display (including Ned Kelly's). Some of the cells are open just to have a look in and other cells have displays in them but they are all so small - I can't imagine people living in them without going crazy. The other scary thing was that originally there was no separate wing for the women prisoners - they were with the male prisoners and had male wardens - very scary stuff. Whilst I was there I managed to pick up an interesting book about women in the prison system to add to my collection.
After visiting the prison I still had some time before it was time to go and meet up with Ally and I felt like I had a bit too much reality for one day so needed to do something frivolous. So I decided to go and check out Melbourne Central, which is a big indoor Mall - malls arn't usually my scene, but earlier in the day I saw a very cool shop called "Dangerfield" but it was shut - but I was told there was another one in Melbourne Central.
Friday 26 October - time 4:29am - waiting for flight to Melbourne
The things I do for friendship!
I'm waiting at Wellington airport at 4:29am waiting to board my flight to Melbourne at 5:35am - I am already SO tired.
The waiting is always the worst part. I left Aro at about 3:30am, then the taxi driver told me that the airport doors only open at 4:00am!
So I am now at a loss as to what to do for the next hour or so - I've already checked out the Duty Free. I am seriously considering buying an Ipod or some other type of Pod that plays MP3's - but I think I'll wait till after I've left Melbourne.
The food places here at the airport are already open and people are already eating heavy greasy breakfasts first thing in the morning - perhaps more out of boredom than anything else?
I have to say that there are VERY limited healthy vegetarian options at Wellington Airport at 4:36 am on a Friday morning.
I guess I will wander a bit - I am meant to buy vodka for Kat and Cigarettes for Fiona but I think I will buy those when I leave Melbourne to use up the last of any Australia cash I may have.
Perhaps I will go to Whitcoulls and buy a magazine to keep me entertained - but then - all magazines you can buy at Whitcoulls for women are tripe! I really don't want to read Cosmo or Cleo or Women's weekly.
Bring on Melbourne I say!