I really, really wanted to take Lisa to Rangitoto Island whilst we were in Auckland - but the day we planned to go it rained and it rained and it rained. A trip to an offshore Island was just not going to happen. Instead we decided to spend the day at Kelly Taltons Underwater World which is the acquarium in Auckland.
We took the free shuttle out to Kelly Taltons - which turned out to be a shark bus. Awesome. Kelly Taltons has a bit of a focus on Antarctica and that means of course - penguins! There is a little ride around the penguin enclosure that you can take to get a closer view of the penguins.
We also saw a giant squid - but this guy was way past his prime.
Here's a photo of inside the main aquarium - it seemed the main sea creatures they had in here were huge stingrays and a whole bunch of sharks. In fact there are so many sharks that at times the jaws theme would start to play. Finally were the smaller tanks - including this one - it looks like something out of Alien with its pods with small moving creatures inside. It turns out that these things are baby Carpet Sharks.
Here's a few more photo's of some of the creatures in the smaller tanks. I especially liked the little turtle.
When we finished up at Kelly Taltons it was still raining - so we decided to head to the museum for the rest of the day. I don't have any photos of the inside of the museum, but here's a few from the outside. Its such a striking building.
Looks great - we were going to go to the aquarium on Monday as it was TIPPING down with rain, but you should have seen the queues (Easter does that huh!). Then we read poor reviews about it so thought it wasn't worth queueing...but looks pretty good from your pics, so maybe next time! :) Sadie x http://whatsadiedid.blogspot.com/
I love aquariums! That penguin ride looks epic!
that shark car is amazing! i think i need a visit to the monterrey bay aquarium! i haven't gone in years!
Meg - The penguins were so amazing, I love seeing them walk & there was a video of them playing football. Cute.
cb - The Shark Bus was so fun - the only way to travel to an aquarium:D
Looks great - we were going to go to the aquarium on Monday as it was TIPPING down with rain, but you should have seen the queues (Easter does that huh!). Then we read poor reviews about it so thought it wasn't worth queueing...but looks pretty good from your pics, so maybe next time!
Sadie x
Sadie - I have been to better aquariums overseas but it is still pretty fun at Kelly Taltons. Load of cheesy photo ops and the penguins are awesome.
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