"K" Road is my favourite part of Auckland - it has great vintage shopping. I took a few photo's of the street windows to share. I especially love the window of Vixen - its a pretty amazing store inside too as its full of pretty sparkly dresses (but its a bit pricey). I did buy a couple of frocks whilst shopping - I'll share later.

I love that last dress! I probably wouldn't actually wear it but i'd hang it on my closet door and admire the prettiness every day aha :) xo
You can never have too much fun at an Asian import store.
I want that British Airways bag! drooling over that picture.
I know - there were so many sparkly delights in that store! They had a whole clothing rack full of sparkly sequined dressed.
Meg - I think you're right. Its simply not possible to have too much fun in an asian import store. I love those bags too - they are amazing!
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