All this is a little depressing and completely ruined our plans to visit Gangwha Island this weekend.
So instead of seeing dolmen's and observatories and other interesting things I ended up crafting and reading most of the weekend. Which isn't a bad way to spend the weekend but it isn't what I had in mind!
Here's the cross-stitch I'm currently working on, I bought the pattern from a seller called Pop Soup on Esty who sells all kinds of retro and kitsch patterns. This design will be a pin up sailor girl when I'm done.
It's basically a collection of very small stall holders with tiny shops - it's more like a market than a mall and it's like a rabit warren to navigate! Rich is able to navigate it well but he is basically like a human GPS, I have no sense of direction and always end up lost!
On Saturday we did find a new "handmade" shop. It's a bead shop where the woman makes jewellery out of crystal bead sculptures. These are pretty popular here in Korea, I have seen simmilar things in New Zealand but nothing quite as amazing as what you can find here.
I decided to buy these little chick earrings as I love these quirky earrings and they were just too cute not to have!

Also I finally bought some new sunglasses! I have needed new ones for a while but I haven't been able to find ones I like. I usually like really dark sunnies as I wear contacts and bright sun really hurts my eyes.
It seems that sunglasses in Korea aren't as dark as the ones we get back in New Zealand but I really needed new ones so I bought these. Excuse the self portrait photo!
AH! That stitch is freaking. amazing.
Thanks Tille - not long after this photo was taken I had a major cross-stitch fail!
But no major damage done - I will have more progress updates ^^
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