After going for a bit of a walk we met up with a couple of Nicky and Rick's friends who were visiting from Dunedin - we caught up with Celia for a bit as well then headed to check out the Chinese new year show on the waterfront.
The show was all good to start with - there were three very cool Chinese Lions which were awesome. But it turned out that after the first cultural performance the show turned into a fashion show which we weren't really interested in...we came to see Chinese cultural acts - damn it!!
We decided that next it would be a good idea to do something very "Wellington" so we took everyone up to the botanical gardens via the cable car - we even went to the cable car muesuem - which is something I haven't done since before I lived in Wellington so it was pretty fun.
After the cable car adventure we tried to decide what to do next - I had booked us into dinner at Harem (of course!) for later on that night. So we decided to go for a drive around to Scorching bay - just to hang out and take in the views.

After returning home and the guys having a few drinks it was time to head out to dinner at Harem (naturally I had to take Nicky and Rick to Harem - it's where I take all my visitors!), Nicky and Rick's friends from Dunedin and some other people joined us too so it ended up being quite a big group of people which was cool.
Neither Nicky or I were drinking that night but we decided to get the non-alcoholic cocktails just for fun - I was so glad we did - they were such awesome looking drinks!

I also took a photo of the celing when I was leaving Harem randomly - I never really noticed how creepy and crypt like it was before I took this photo!
We ended the night at San Fransico Bath house - we watched a Fringe Festival gig called "Surfing on the Fringe" it was a really cool gig and one of my favourite bands from back in Hamilton was playing - "The Hollow Grinders" and they were really awesome (as always).
We didn't end up staying at San Fran too long though as Nicky and Rick were leaving for Hamilton at 8 the next morning....
But it was such a fun day - so awesome to have visitors! Yah!
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