Last weekend it was my friend Jacqui's baby shower out at Soi - here's some of the photos.
Firstly, the restaurant gave us a whole room to ourselves (ok - I think Ange requested it - but if was prolly best to keep us away from other people anyways).
Firstly a photo of the table and room Jess and I decorated - and yes - they are baby dolls in the middle of the table!

Just some photo's of some of us girls hanging out at the baby shower.

Jacqui opening some of the presents she recieved for her baby - unfortunatly the light behind was super bright so you can't actually see too much!

My friend Celia organised the games for the day - mostly because she is slightly evil;) This game involved eating baby food out of babies nappies. Some of them did not look so flash - or in fact smell so good - as you can see from Mel's expression! Other games including matching the famous person to the famous baby and my least favourite was a game that involved safety pins - each of us started out with two safety pins and every time we said baby we'd lose a pin to the person who noticed we said baby. I always suck at these games and talk to much and I don't really pay too much attention to the key word and usually end up losing within the first half an hour - which is what happened in this case!

Just a photo of the whole posse after the rather long brunch....

Finally - some of the Charms I made for the gift bags on the day!
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