Wednesday, January 16, 2008
So this New Years was spent at Sue's place in Hamilton, which is only fair considering a whole bunch of our friends from Auckland/Hamilton came to Wellington last year for new years. The theme of Sue's Party was "what I want to be when I grow up" - I went as Jem - because she's truely truely outrageous! Rich went as a professional golfer. It was good times all round!
Jo (as a Bollywood dancer) and myself - just looking beautiful - it's what we do!
Conor and I chill-laxing - Conor was orginally dressed as a mechanic - but it was too darn hot to wear overalls!
Rich (as a professional golfer) and Conor - singing up a storm to the Pussycat Dolls
Conor playing with his new Christmas toy - turns out people like the guy with the camera even less than they like the girl with the camera!
Jo and I singing up a storm - have no idea what we're singing - but I'm sure it's awesome
Craig (Greatest American Hero) and I taking a photo of ourselves - funny story - I decided that we should have a photo together as everyone else tucked into some greasy chicken so we had to take it ourselves...
Craig and I singing some singstar - again - no clue what we're singing!
Andre (as a fisherman) with a new years sparkler....
Ross rocking out with his new years sparkler....
.....and Rich looking bummed his sparkler has gone out.....
Katrina and I - just being awesome!
Conor singing and Alaina (as a cowgirl) just wanting to be in the photo
Ross and Alaina - very excited it's new years!
Jo, Me and Andre - Just because...
Jo and Andre.....what a cute couple!
Alaina and I - just hanging out and eating cherries! (yah for summer fruit
Just a random party moment, not sure who took this, but I suspect it was Jo!
Yet more singstar - it just goes on and on and on....
Cheesy singstar pose from Alaina and I (I seem to be losing my wig a bit at this stage!)
The lads having a shot of that Brazilian alcohol Conor's into at the moment (and no doubt Andre is into it as well - what with being Brazilian and all!)
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