Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Daywalk Between J'ville and Aro

On Labour weekend Rich and I were invited for a Brunch at Ange and Brendon's house out in J'ville - we decided that we should walk home - via Mt Kaukau and Otari-Wilton Bush. It was an AWESOME walk - but we were so tired when we got home. But there were some AMAZING views:)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Making Cosmetics Yourself!

A few weeks back I made some lip gloss and massage bars - which led a few of my friends to did you make that?!

So in order to share my recipes and get more people out there "making stuff" I've decided to share my Lip Gloss and Massage Bar recipes.

Lip Gloss

You will need:

Lipstick (optional - only if you want coloured lip gloss)
1 teaspoon beeswax
1 1/2 teaspoon coconut oil
1 tablespoon almond oil
A few drops of essential oil
3 x lipgloss pots with lids

If you wish to have a coloured lipgloss - begin by carving off 1/8 inch of the lipstick.

Place lipstick, beeswax, and coconut oil in a double boiler over a low heat.

Stir until melted.

Remove from heat and stir in almond oil and essential oil.

Pour mix into lip balm pots - allow to cool before putting the caps on.

Massage Bar

You will need:

1 tablespoon of coconut oil
1 1/2 cups of cocoa butter
A few drops of your favourite essential oil
Soap molds

Place the coconut oil and cocoa butter in a double boiler placed over a low heat.

Stir until melted.

Remove from the heat and add the essential oil.

Pour mixture into soap molds - note this mix takes a while to set - when I make them I leave the mix overnight to ensure it's set solid.

Remove from soap molds and enjoy!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Ange an Paul's Engagement Party

Just as my friend Ange was moving to Brisbane she got engaged to her boyfriend Paul - however, they were back in NZ over the weekend for a wedding and decided to have an engagement party at the same time:)Here's a photo of Kat, Ange and I hanging out at Southern Cross Bar for the engagement party.

It was great to catch up with Ange - and like most celebrations the engagement party gave me the chance to try out a new crafty project for a gift. This time around it was a set of placemats constructed from chopsticks and wooden beads! Excellent - here's a photo:)

Chinese War Ship!

There has been a Chinese war ship in Wellington harbour for the last few days - due to the fact the Chinese and New Zealand army have been doing some sort of military exercises together.

Anyway - on Sunday the war ship had an open day - and Rich and I couldn't resist the chance to go and have a look around, because it's not everyday you get to have a look around a Chinese war ship!
We did take a few photos - not as many as I would have liked too becuase my camera batteries died:( But it does give you an idea of just how impressive this ship was - in guns and in general size.

Friday, October 12, 2007


Today's my Mum's birthday:) YAH!!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

All Blacks Loss

Being the rugby mad nation that NZ is - there has been much wailing and nashing of teeth since the All Blacks lost to France over the weekend.

I don't really care much for Rugby so it doesn't really effect my little world too much - apart from the fact it was all anybody could talk about on Monday - we even discussed it in my Te Reo class!!

Anyways since the said loss I have recieved a few jokes and forwards from friends about the All Blacks - some I have to say I don't even really understand because I'm not really interested in Rugby so many of the jokes go totally over my head.

However, yesterday Conor sent me this - which is the funniest thing I've seen in ages - the e-mail was headed "Help in on the way for the All Blacks" nice!

Yah!! For the Hoff - is there anything this man can't do ;)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Evil Eye

Recently my friend Fiona came back from spending some time in Turkey and she bought me back a whole bunch of presents - a necklace, fridge magnet, bracelet, sticker and a pin which all featured the evil eye to stop bad stuff happening to me (as in Turkey they believe if something bad happens to you it's because of the evil eye so you have to trick it by wearing an evil eye yourself - or at least I think that's right - Fiona could explain it much more accurately I'm sure).

So I thought I would look up "The Evil Eye" on Blackle (seen as it's more environmentally friendly than google) - it sent me to that fountain of all internet knowledge google, which told me -

The evil eye a folklore belief that the envy elicited by the good luck of fortunate people may result in their misfortune, whether it is envy of material possessions including livestock, or of beauty, health, or offspring. The perception of the nature of the phenomenon, its causes, and possible protective measures, varies between different cultures. In some forms, it is the belief that some people can bestow a curse on victims by the malevolent gaze of their magical eye.

Interesting stuff! I think I shall have to start wearing my evil eye necklace - and perhaps put the evil eye stickers on my computer at work!! (to ward off ending up with an exceedingly big workload!)

She also gave me some scented wet wipes which she took everywhere with her in Turkey due to the toilet situation....I don't need to know any more about said situation! :P

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Rich's Birthday!!

Today is Rich's Birthday - YAH! - Happy Birthday RICH:)

Monday, October 08, 2007

Tea Party

Kat and I arranged a 1950's tea party at her place over the weekend - it was part girly get together and part craft market:)

It was good to have a chance to catch up with so many people and see so many people with their pearls on getting into the spirit of things - at one stage we were all sitting around in our 50's gears discussing the royals - which was too funny (although we were discussing them in a fashion that most 1950's housewives would have appreciated I'm sure).

We even had Scones with Jam and Cream and lots of pots of tea - hurrah!

Although I have to say - I don't think I will be putting on this frock, pinny and fishnets and heels to do my housework on a regular occassion!

I have the feeling it's time to move onto Purl...

I have been learning to knit - but so far I have any really knitted one thing - wristcuffs. They are easy to make as they are all done in the "knit" stitch and are a pretty funky fashion item.

However - if I ever want my knitting skills to expand I decided it's time to move on from knit stitch.

I think I will try Purl stitch for my next project - and maybe even chuck a colour change in, but that may be getting too technical:P

Maltester Lolly Cake

On Saturday Morning I had Aro Valley markets with Kat - it was such a stunner of a day and good to hang out in Aro even if I didn't sell much stuff.

For these markets I decided to do some baking - but one of the problems is that my baking ability is limited!

I asked my mum for some easy recipes and she gave me "lolly cake" and "fudge cake" - given lolly cake was easier and fudge cake required a slice tin which I don't have (yes - I am the least domestic 28 year old in the world) I decided to go for the lolly cake.

However, standing in the lolly isle of New World Metro with a really NASTY migraine coming on I came to a horrible realisation - lolly cake requires lollies and nearly ALL lollies have gelatine, which I am not eating now I am vegetarian.

The first pack of lollies I picked up that did not include gelatine, so I grabbed them and got home ASAP.

The next morning when I awoke from my migraine I decided to make some malteser lolly cake and much to my surprise it turned out well and it was a huge hit at the markets.

Here's my mum's recipe for lollycake - amended by me to be vego friendly:) (although it's vego friendly - it's still not friendly to your waistline or teeth!)

Mum's Lolly Cake - Amended by Teresa

115 grams butter
half a tin of condensed milk
1 x Packet of Malt biscuits
1x family size pack of dark maltesers

Warm butter and condensed milk.

Add crushed malt biscuits.

Let the mix cool slightly and add the Maltesters (the chocolate on the outside will melt off - but that's half the fun).

Make the sticky mix into a roll and put on a baking tray (you can sprinkle on coconut if you wish).

Put in fridge to set for approx 4 hours.

Slice up roll and serve - keep in fridge.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Thanks Karyn!

Karyn came over to my place for a spot of knitting for craft club on Tuesday night.

She surprised me by bringing me over two cute little skully wash clothes she made for me - they are so cool - and work really well to boot.

I love handmade presents and I love unexpected presents so this present fit into both catergories:)

She also bought over this awesome book she got out from the Library called "Naughty Needles" - it's totally going onto my list of "craft books I want" (it's an ever expanding list). It has some patterns that would just be great for hen's nights presents - like a knitted whip!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Mr Sparkles!

One of my favourite things about Craftwerk is seeing what other craty type people are up too. At this most recent market there was this awesome stall selling the cutest soft toys ever. That's where I got this guy - I've decided to call him "Mr Sparkles" he's part evil part cute!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Craftwerk Markets

In the tradition of being an ever evolving creation - Craftwerk Markets were different again this time round.
Instead of being at a bar, this time we were in a big church hall and there were a LOT of stalls.

Also the markets were on a Friday night 5pm-9pm.

The time and place bought a much younger crowd than we were used to at craftwerk - there were many footless tights, fluro oversized tees and VERY straight hair.

But it was a pretty fun night - there were some really great stalls there - so new ones and some I have seen before.

Plus some really great bands:)

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Vegetarian Festival

On Saturday Rich and I went to the vegetarian festival as we've decided to become vegetarians so need all the help we can get in finding out what vegetables have what nutrients and minierals and the like.

The festival was REALLY packed! But I did manage to have a "not dog" for lunch from the SAFE tent (it was olive and sundried tomato flavoured mmm...) and also had a free sample of a very tasty vege patty.

I picked up a whole bunch of brochures from the vegetarian society, I'm thinking of joining the vegetarian society actually. However you have to be meat free for 3 months before you can join so I will join in January next year most likely.

Although I have to admit some of their brochures have some pretty crazy questions and answers. Although I guess these are most likely based on questions people have asked them. The most crazy and funny one I came across was -

"Won't animals overrun the earth is we don't kill them and eat them?"

Hummm.....I don't think I need to comment further!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Old Coach Road

On Saturday morning Ange and I went for our usual walk, but for a change, I went out to Ange's neck of the woods in Johnsonville, rather than her coming into town.

We went for a walk along old coach road - which is pretty much out the back of Ange and Brendon's house.

It's a pretty cool walkway - very rugged - complete with sheep and drystock(in fact we had a sheep saving incident - silly thing got caught on wrong side of the fence)

Here's some of the pictures - it was a really cool walk - reminds me of the skyline walkway (which is pretty close to Ange and Brendon's as well)