So here's some more adventures in baking. Some of the derby freshies decided to go for a skate after work on Friday. So I took it as a chance to make some cookies. Here's the naked bat cookies.

And these are the fully clothed cookies with sprinkles...I got commended on the cookies so the baking skills must be improving.
Ha ha - they're awesome :-) I have lots of baking gears now thanks to my friends Debz & Lance and her folks (they got us heaps as a wedding pressie). SO once I have a job I'm going to be working on my baking skills too. Paul used them first and made a lovely banana cake. I tried to make one about a week later as we had more very ripe bananas. In typical Ange cake fashion, it never rose :-( But Paul said it tasted very nice :-) I now just need to buy an electric mixer so that I don't have to do it all by hand :-)
yummy. Bat cookies.
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