Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Adelaide Markets

So the Adelaide isn't what I would consider a "good" pub, in fact, I'm not entirely sure I would even call it a safe pub or a particularly clean put but where there's a market I am there, so when Hiliare told me about a market at the Adelaide I figured that I would give it a go - perhaps this wasn't the best idea.

When I e-mailed and asked for a stall the person at the Adelaide made mention of places they would publish the event and even asked if I had any ideas where else they could put some advertising to get the word out - but leading up to the market I couldn't help but notice NO advertising for the event around town and it didn't even seem to get a mention in the local community newspapers.

But on Sunday, Grace and I headed off to the markets to sell our wares but I have to admit that deep down I knew things wouldn't end well.

Basically no one turned up to these markets, except for the "regulars" who weren't really the type to buy our stuff.

The only other people that turned up were friends of the stall holders - and we did manage to sell a couple of things to friends and other stall holders.

But even though the market was a bit of a no show - I still think that our stall was pretty awesome.

I also managed to swap with Grace to get one of her amazing rosette brooches - in return she received a pair of fluro pink ninja earrings and a pair of barbie heels.

Finally - I did make a new friend at the markets - a new friend of the sock description. Meet the newest edition to my family of strange soft toys. Currently I am calling her "sock monster" which is not very imaginative so any name ideas are very welcome. I know she's ugly but she's also so lovable (to me at least).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have very talented and very creative mind. I like the entire picture. I want to see more new pictures.
