There is a series of movies playing in the evenings this month at the Wellington Botanical Gardens, last Thursday we watched Blade Runner and last night we watched Jason and the Argonauts.
Yesterday was such an amazing day in Wellington - here is a view of the city from the botanical gardens.We decided to take a picnic up to the gardens for dinner, although I did have serious picnic basket envy when we got there. So many people had amazing picnic baskets - I did make some corn fritters though.A few photos taken in the garden before the movie started - including the "Lucky Star" coffee cart. I've seen this cart turn up at various locations in Wellington at various times - I really like the shiny sequins! Are they still called sequins if they are attached to a coffee cart instead of a piece of clothing?
Also I went to the hairdresser last weekend I and I got some red extensions which you can see in the picture. I only have four at the moment, but I think I'd like to get some more. They are a whole lot of fun and they don't fade like regular bright hair colour - because it's not real hair!
The screen at the gardens is inflatable - which may not be the best idea in Wellington wind. However, this wasn't an issue last night as it was so calm - but it was cold! The movie itself was so amazing. I didn't know much about it before we went to watch it, which I find is often the best way to go when you see "classic" movies. My favourite part of the movie was the skeleton fight scene. It's amazing.
Thats so cool, I've always wanted to watch a film in a park at night like they do in the movies... :)
Your hair looks lovely xxx
I NEED to see blade runner! It inspires all my favorite artists (of course, some of them could watch tank Girl every once in a while).
I love the skeleton fight scene in Jason and the Argonauts. I've never seen the movie, but in two of my drama classes they made us watch it.
Outdoor movies are the best- this looks like a great time.
OH! I didn't forget our swap- I started a new job this week! Yay! but busy -_-
Victoria - thanks for the lovely comments about my hair:)
Pixie - you should really watch Blade Runner! I am looking forward to our swap - yah! swaps:D
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