Sunday, June 22, 2008

Final Day in Shanghai - The French Concession!

So on our final day in Shanghai we decided to head over to the French Concession - it was another super hot day so Fiona decided to take her super cute sun umbrella that she bought from "Story of Shanghai" -

The French Concession was another area of Shanghai that was different to any other, as you can guess by the name it was an area that original had a lot of French Settlers. We checked out an old period house that had been decked out like a muesuem, ate strange cake (the Chinese do a lot of things well - one this they don't do so well is cake) and had a general looksee around

For me, I think the highlight of the French Concession was visiting the "Birthplace of the Chinese Communist Party". Visiting here was a bit surreal - especially when you know a bit of the history behind all of the things that happened during the cultural revolution. It was kind of strange to be in the same place that Chairman Mao walked - one of those moments when history hits you.

We then headed over to a district of Shanghai (still in the French Concession) the housed a lot of emerging artists. Not necessarily "fine arts" but things like clothes, accessories, toys & nick naks. The whole area had an intellectual property policy - basically - don't steal other people's designs and ideas!! Which was pretty refreshing - China doesn't seem to be too big on copyright protection....

After our look around the french concession it was time to return to old Shanghai - firstly to pick up our newly made threads from the fabric market, and secondly for Fiona to pick up her amazing shoes from the Shanghai Cobbler.

So after picking up all our purchases the question was - "what to do with our final evening in Shanghai?" The answer was to go for a cruise along the Bund river!

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