This is quite a cool idea - but I must admit I had forgotten how much bad food comes as part and parcel of children's birthday party - it was carnage - so so many sweet things. Which is never good for someone like me who can resist the hot chips and savouries but can never say no to a third helping of cake...hummm...
But a good night was had by all including a game of pass the parcel (although I must admit I'd never considered before how stupid it is to give children food related prizes like lollies in pass the parcel when the table is already a sugar-o-rama)
Anyways for Kat's birthday, Rich created an absolutely awesome skull earring for Kat - unfortunatly I can't post a picture of it here as it's a wee bit small to capture a good image of it on my wee camera.
I made Kat a cross-stitch for her birthday which was completely inappropriate for children (and easily offended adults for that matter). She loved it though - and I knew she would so that all that matters!
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