I am usually a pretty happy person, but on Sunday wearing glasses was really getting to me. I could bitch about it here, but I figure why relive the whole day again - it wasn't the best.

But I did get around to making some truffles for Christmas presents for a few close friends, they are very rich truffles. But they were fully endorsed by my team at work today when I took some along to share for morning tea. Also they look super cute in these little jars.
I hope your Sunday was better than mine - I can't believe that next Sunday is Christmas *eek*
Yum, they look delish, what a great idea for a present!
That sucks, hopefully today was a better day xo
Sorry you had a bad day. Those truffles look gorgeous though. I made some for Christmas pressies last year, I think I "tested" more than I gave away ;)
don't worry your appt. will come sooner then you think and you will be glasses free. i hope making the truffles help brighten you sunday sweetie. hugs!
those truffles need to get in my mouth! i love the cute little jars! <3
Yum, yum! =)
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