However for the last couple of days my contacts haven't been feeling quite right and they have been getting worse and worse each day. Today I came to accept something was wrong and decided to go to the optometrist and sort it out. It turns out I have a virus in my eyes which is causing all the problems *sigh* which means for the next week I will look like this.
I am not really happy about having to wear my glasses and it's not just a vanity thing. My glasses prescription is much weaker than my contact lenses, so I feel pretty blind. Plus this week is my last week of classes at the gym before the instructors take a holiday for a couple of weeks for Christmas and there is no way I can attend my classes wearing these, they will most likely go flying across the room. Also work is very difficult - my job is quite technical and requires a lot of work relating to maps and historical documents, not ideal when you can't see very well. I am actually considering taking Thursday and Friday off, but I will just see how I am feeling. It's not really a great Christmas present! I really hope all is cleared up by next Friday *fingers crossed*

Finally I thought I'd share a photo of what I wore today seen as I decided to wear one of last weekends op-shopping finds. A lady in the lift at work was quite taken by this skirt and said it was quite "festive". My hair is totally out of control at the moment, but I am having a haircut tomorrow which SHOULD cheer me up a bit.

Cardy and tights - Glassons
Boots - From "The Big Shwop"
Skirt - Mary Potter Hospice Shop, Kilbirne
Top - From a friends wardrobe clear out
Necklace - Vintage, used to belong to a great aunt who has passed on
I'm sorry to hear about your virus but I have to say that you look absolutely stunning with your specs on, they really highlight your eyes and it's a nice change.
those lace tights are very cool with the biker boots. x
Aww bless, hope your eyes feel better soon, but I do think your glasses are lovely. And you are looking GREAT!!!! That gym work is paying off, hope you're really proud of yourself missy :))
Sadie xx
i have the same problem with my glasses. i used to wear hard contacts and "sometimes" (all the time) they would end up in the drain and i'd have to wear my glasses and be blind for a week while the new contacts were on order. glasses are a PAIN IN THE ASS for sure, but they do look cute on you if that's any consolation! <3
@ Vix - Thanks so much for your lovely words. I really fancy buying a pair of cat eye glasses, perhaps after Christmas.
@ Sadie - Thanks so much Sadie! I have been working out a lot, nearly lots 8kgs. But it seems like the only people who really notice are Rich and one of my work friends. Glad that someone else notices and its not all in vain xcxox
@ Alicia - Thanks for the empathy, glad that someone else actually understands:)
You look great with glasses- also you're looking fantastic in general!! Can't wait to see you before Christmas xx
oh you poor thing! i hope it heals fast so you can go back to your regular rutine but you do look really really cute in glasses, i have to say :)
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