Last week Rich and I were back from our trip to Japan (I'll post pictures later) and the cold Korean winter continued to be pretty uninspiring - perfect conditions for crafting and film watching.
First film on the list was "Little Ashes" we were invited to this one by our friend Joseph and I didn't have much idea what it was about, apart from Dali, then I found out Robert "Mr Twighlight" Patterson was starring in the film and immediatly lost all respect for it. I don't like the world hate but I'm in the "strongly disliking Twiglight camp" and I thought maybe I could get beyond that and enjoy the movie but I just couldn't - it won't be in my top ten for 2010.

The second movie we watched was "Moon" and even though the year is young, this is my favourite movie of 2010 so far. The story runs a little like this, a few years into the future people have worked out how to make a clean source of energy by mining the moon. The movie is the story of a man living on a base, on the moon, by himself. He's about to finish his three year contract and head back to earth, but things become a little weird after he has an accident - I don't want to really say much more but it's a really interesting idea for a film. Plus it pays homage to one of my favourite films, "2001:A Space Odessey", it was directed by Frank Zappa's son and it has Kevin Spacey as the voice of the robot on the ship. Good times all around.

Movie number three is "Paranormal Activity" which has obviously been in the media a lot and I've been trying to avoid all media about the film as I didn't want any expectations heading into the cinema. People that know me well know that I love horror films and I have for as long as I can remeber, so when all the critics claim that something is the "scariest film of the year" I often find myself disappointed. Paranormal activity wasn't the scariest film of the year but it was a lot of fun for a horror movie fan girl and it had a few good scares - plus watching a horror film in Korea is a lot more fun than in New Zealand. In New Zealand cinema's people try their hardest to show no fear whilst Korean's seem perfectly happy to scream when they get a fright, and I think a whole lot of the people in the cinema got a fright in the last few moments of the film. Basically it's a good little horror film and a fun thing to watch on a Friday night.

The final movie of the last week was an interesting Korean Horror called "Cello" which we borrowed from our friend Joseph. I really do like Asian horror films (although some do get a little too crazy), it's basically a story of revenge with a few good twists to the plot.
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