Movie number three for my New Years resolution was "In the Spider's web" please don't let the cool design fool you - this is pure made for TV trash but in the best kind of way! It includes an insolated tribe that is supposed to be in India, a dodgy doctor who lives with the tribe, a temple to spiders, body snatching and black market organ sales. It's also part of the Man-Eaters series which basically involves a bunch of people getting eaten by various beasts. Good times all round.

The next movie I saw was "Yes Man" which we watched in our hotel whilst on holiday in Japan, this is one of those movies that I am sure everyone but me has seen. Whilst it's not my normal "cup of tea" I have to admit it was pretty funny, I really do like Zooey Deschanel, plus Rhys Darby was funny - even if his character was pretty close to Murray on Flight of the Concords.

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