Monday, August 28, 2006

About that Fimo Empire...

Well some people have been asking what the fimo brooches that Rich and I have been making lately look like - well - here's some fine examples of our fimo work!

I heard from Kat today and she said two of the Fimo's I took into her on Saturday have already sold - a pencil and and keyboard - go the fimo!


Tabitha Dial said...

These are very cool. Very cool. And you and Rich are ultra cool for being so creative (how fun to share a project like this!). Can these be made into pins you can wear? Could you possibly mail me a couple as a donation to a silent auction I'm doing for Art from Ashes ( this November? That'd me so awesome, and it'd mean a lot to me. And maybe you'd end up with new people checking out your blog...

Trees said...

They are all either brooches or necklaces - Rich and I would love to contribute to your auction - just let me know your address:D