But the thought of making a cake kind of freaked me out - what if it falls in the middle? What if it doesn't bake all the way through? What if its dry? So many things that could go wrong!
In the end I decided to make an apple and cinnamon cake which took FOREVER to cook. In fact - even once I took it out of the oven I was pretty sure it wasn't cooked through. I went to bed thinking I'd wake in the morning and cut it to find the middle was filled with cakey goo rather than cakey goodness.
But I surprised myself as the cake turned out to be pretty much perfect! My team at work loved it and I got a whole bunch of perfect scores. I was pretty happy with myself.

The challenge for the grand final of bake club is "cupcakes" normally I am a bit of a cupcake queen. But I am feeling rather nervous about this whole thing. What kind of cupcakes to people enjoy the most? What's your favourite cupcake?
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