I have been to the cinema to see a couple of films though. The first is a film I was really skeptical of but it turned out to be surprisingly good. The original version of "The Crazies" was directed by one of my favourite directors - George A Romero - but I didn't think it was a very good movie.
I thought I'd give the remake a shot and headed to the cinema to watch it, and much to my surprise it's a fairly good horror movie. It's not going to ever be in my top ten horror films but it has some really good scenes and strangely enough I think it's much better than the original.

The film isn't that bad, it has some pretty funny parts and some very violent and grim parts.
I decided to leave my brain at the door and enjoy the general silliness of this film.
Finally, I watched the orginal Iron Man movie. Largely because Iron Man II is currently screening in Korea and we decided if we were going to watch Iron Man II we should really watch the first one.
I'm not completely convinced I want to watch Iron Man II after seein the first one.
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