Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Some days are just a shock to the system

Yesterday was one of those days for me.

I got an unexpected call from one of my friends in Auckland saying that she had some bad news - I was expecting her to say that her mum or dad was sick - but instead she told me she had cancer.

I'm totally blown away by this - in fact I think I am still a little in shock.

But luckily I have good friends in Auckland and Alaina has said I can stay at her flat and has also offered to drive me around where I need to go and she is happy to take me out to Auckland Hospital - I'm really grateful to her.

Jess was kind enough to check on the internet to see if I could still get flights up so now that's all been sorted as well.

I also have to say that I am so thankful everybody at work is so good - my manager saw I was really upset and told me I could go out for a walk and don't hurry back - so I was able to go and see Rich at work and talk to him for a bit. She also bought me some flowers to cheer me up which was so nice. The other ladies in my team have also been awesome with their kind words.

So yes I am in shock, and I am worried, and it does make all the things I obssess about on a daily basis (mainly my weight and money issues) seem a little insignificant but I will be ok because I know that I can be strong for my friend now.

I also know I'll feel 100% better when I get a chance to see and talk to her this weekend - so this week can't go quickly enough.

My friend will be in my thoughts for the rest of the week.

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