It's been a pretty busy few weeks - we've moved to the new house, had Jess & Andrew's engagement party, Celia and Simon's wedding and not to forget Katrina's farwell with much Sangria and Punch (perhaps too much for some...oh well....I still had a blast!).
Anyways - I figures seen as a picture paints a thousand words (sorry for the lame cliche) most of my update will be via photos (my favourite medium).
So I thought I'd start off with photo's of my new flat - a lot of my friends out their have seen it already due to their awesome moving efforts - thanks HEAPS everyone - especially Ross who helped loan and unload the moving truck despite being sick:)
But I know there's plenty of people out there who haven't seen the flat who arn't likely to see it for some here it is...and yes to all my Wellington lovelies - we shall be having a flatwarming soon!

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