So the new job seems to be going really well - except for the fact that it sounds like I may be losing my room with a view shortly!! The room actually belongs to one of the higher ups that has taken on another role temporarily and she is due to take it back over in a month - so I sounds like I will have a office - but I don't think I will have a view any longer:(
I'm going to buy an ipod today (or some other MP3 playing type thingee) in an attempt to make the gym workouts a lot less boring!! I'm joining weight watchers on Monday as I am seriously depressed about my size right now - I have a goal in mind - so hopefully it will work for me. I have lost a lot of weight in the past year or so but I think I really need some support to get to where I need to be right now - and I seriously need some more advice on what to eat and what not to eat.
Other things that have been happening in the world of Teresa - I've signed up to be a volunteer at the Welligton Fringe Festiva l - which should be wicked cool!! Hopefully I will get to meet some cool new people and go to some of the shows for free or something - yah!!
The other thing I'm going to do is the "Around the Bays" - it's not till Feb sometime but I always meant to do the whole "Around the Bays" thing in Auckland but I never really got there - so looking foward to doing it in Wellington - yah!
Well I best be off - need to go and search for my ipod type thing......
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