Yesterday Rich and I went to have a drink and bite to eat with our friends Paul and Nankz in Lyall Bay. We decided that we would walk home from Lyall Bay along the waterfront seen as it was a beautiful day - even though it was extremely windy! The walk ended up taking us two hours and some parts were quite tough due to the high wind.

We walked through Kilbirnie on the way home which is home to my favourite op shop - Opportunity for Animals. We stopped off for a quick visit and I picked up a few goodies.
I got this crazy maxi skirt for $4 - I am unsure if it will stay a maxi or if I'll shorten it to knee length. But I think the pattern is pretty rad and as an added bonus its a home made skirt, which I think makes it even more special.

I also found this big bag of lace for a grand total of $2 which I was pretty happy with it - its so nice to have little bits of lace like this to finish off projects. I think a lot of it is vintage as well.

Here's a close up of some of my favourite pieces of lace from the bag - I especially like the blue patterned lace.

Speaking of op-shopping, I wanted to share this photo with you all - it was taken before Christmas. I was pretty excited to find this Barbie game, it looks about as old as I am and its very much of the "Girls can do anything" generation I am part of - pretty sad to see that idea isn't so popular with young girls currently, most likely something to do with the non-stop stream of pink toy/clothing companies feed them.
I opened the game and looked at it and it seemed the basic theme of the game was for Barbie to decide upon her career path. Unfortunately Public Servant wasn't an option for Barbie. But I was glad to see that Doctor and Pilot were included as career choices as well as model and actress.

I was very tempted to buy it - but living in a one bedroom apartment, I really don't have room for "extras" such as this. Which may be for the best actually - if we had a lot of room things could quickly get out of control.
Did you all have a nice weekend? Any rad op-shop finds recently?
Finally Welly has some good weather! You can't beat Welly on a good day, great photos.
I love your pearls by the way xo.
P.s I'm part of the girl power generation too :)
Fabulous the fabric! We rent a 3 bedroom unit & I still don't have enough room for all my treasures. I think a good sort out is well I can fit a bit more in again! Hehe
Ooh what are those super cute litle houses-on-water?? I want to live there!
That maxi is awesome - love the Pattern, and that bag of lace is FABULOUS!
Sarah xxx
That walk looks gorgeous! I'm totally in love with the rad maxi you found. What a great pattern! That Barbie game is pretty cool too.
It may have been windy but your walk looks beautiful.
Obviously I would keep the maxi skirt long, cos I LOVE a maxi, that print definitely deserves to be seen whatever the length! And all that lovely lace, I love the patterned ones.
Good weekend here, thanks. Got one of my most favourite ever charity shop finds on Friday, will show everyone soon! xxxxxx
Is that an "op shop" behind you in the Barbie picture? It looks like quite the treasure trove!
Squee!That maxi is fabulous!What a pattern! Yeah,you might get more wear out of it if you shorten it!
I hear Lyall Bay is good for surfing?Not that I do!!! My brother in law does,he lives in Tatwa,and I think he sometimes goes to Lyall bay!
All that lace is a fine find!SO useful!The blue patterned lot would mae a fab trim on a frock?
O,jeez,that Barbie game is so cool it's shame to leave it behind!But we do have to draw the line sometimes!Bugger!
See you in 3 sleeps!
i want it to be summer here NOW. it looks so lovely there! i love that purple house/shed/shanty!
also, we girls CAN do anything! <3
I'm doing a major declutter this month to ensure I can continue op shopping this year. If it wasn't worn in 2011 - It's out!!
Love the Barbie Game to - bet administration assistant wasn't in their either!
Oh I miss Wellington and how lucky are you with that score ...skirt! :)
What a lovely day down by the beach. I love these pictures!!!! Barbie game...huh, that's funny!
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